East End Crossing Partners at:
Phone: (812) 748-8100
Email: officemanager@wvb-partners.com
Website: www.eastendpartners.com
- Email: riverlink.inquiry@riverlink.com
- Phone: 855-RIV-LINK (748-5465)
For locations on the Gene Snyder (KY 841) south of Harrods Creek in Kentucky (mile marker 38.9), please contact:
Kentucky Department of Highways, District 5
Phone: (502) 210-5400
Email: KYTC.District5Info@ky.gov
Website: http://transportation.ky.gov/district-5/Pages/default.aspx
For locations on the Lee Hamilton (SR 265) north/west of Charlestown Pike in Indiana (mile marker 8.7) or for SR 62 at the SR 265 interchange, please contact:
Indiana Department of Transportation, Seymour District
Phone: (877) 305-7611
Email: secommunications@indot.IN.gov
Website: http://www.in.gov/indot/2706.htm